Meet Digby Our newest member of rescue. Digby is a Mastiff/Lab mix male that is about 2 yrs old and great with other dogs small and large alike. He is house trained and heels when he walks. Friendly with children that he meets on walks. Loves to play and would love to have another canine to live and play with. However he does NOT like a crate and will cry in one. He is house trained and when left alone in the house is not destructive. Digby loves to go on car rides and enjoys a daily walk. Digby looks like a Huge Lab but has the full temperament and size of a English Mastiff . Sigby LOVES swimming and gets so excited when meeting people and dogs alike.If you are interested in Digby please go to and fill out the application so a volunteer can contact you
More about Digby
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Digby (click to see larger version):
Once you fill out the application online, you will get a auto reply email confirmation so you know it has been accepted or went though. If you do not get a confirmation the app has not went though. The Adoption Coordinator will contact you within 24 to 48 hours. We do our best to contact everyone as quickly as possible if you do not hear from someone via text,phone or email please send a email to:
if you are surrendering a dog please email or text pics of the dog to 602-281-0901 and note your name and which dog it is or email Thank You