Meet Delilah she is a owner surrender and came into rescue with another male that has since went to his new home. Delilah is 5 yrs old very sweet,gentle and loving. Delilah is house trained and she is fine with large breed male dogs. She is not good with cats. She has lived with young children ages 3 yrs and up. More info coming soon if interested in Deliah please go to you must fill out the online app before adopting
Update on Delilah she is doing great in her foster home and is now crate trained. She is living with 2 15 lb dogs and 2 med size dogs and doing well. Delilah is a love and hr foster mom said if she does not get a home soon She will Not be leaving!! Delilah is very loving and a AWESOME dog and is more of a couch potato then a dog that needs walks or lots of exersize. When you meet Delilah you can not help but fall in LOVE! Just ask her foster mom lol
More about Delilah
Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Delilah (click to see larger version):
Once you fill out the application online, you will get a auto reply email confirmation so you know it has been accepted or went though. If you do not get a confirmation the app has not went though. The Adoption Coordinator will contact you within 24 to 48 hours. We do our best to contact everyone as quickly as possible if you do not hear from someone via text,phone or email please send a email to:
if you are surrendering a dog please email or text pics of the dog to 602-281-0901 and note your name and which dog it is or email Thank You