Meet Lux ,he is a sweet bullmastiff mix boy. He is a gentle soul that is good with all dogs big or small and male or female. He lost his home after owner passed away and his other 4 legged siblings were adopted. It’s so much harder for the bigger dogs so he patiently waited for the right home to come and meet him. The shelter reached out to us asking for help knowing he is so nice he will be a awesome family dog. Unknown on really young kids but older kids he really enjoys being around them and getting attention. He is about 120lbs and does fine being crated. He rides well in the car. If you are looking for just a nice boy plut your application in to meet Lux, he is about 2 yrs of age which is perfect past the puppy stage with chewing.
More about LUX
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids
Videos of LUX:
Other Pictures of LUX (click to see larger version):
Once you fill out the application online, you will get a auto reply email confirmation so you know it has been accepted or went though. If you do not get a confirmation the app has not went though. The Adoption Coordinator will contact you within 24 to 48 hours. We do our best to contact everyone as quickly as possible if you do not hear from someone via text,phone or email please send a email to:
if you are surrendering a dog please email or text pics of the dog to 602-281-0901 and note your name and which dog it is or email Thank You